Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jaam-e-har zarra, hay sarshar e tamanna mujse


Jaam-e-har zarrahay sarshar e tamanna mujse. 

Kis ka DIL hoon k do 'aalam se lagaya hay' mujhe.


Unknown said...

Translate please

Anonymous said...

Nothing is ours
It's u insidius

Tabish said...

जाम-ए हर ज़र्रा है सरशार-ए तमन्ना मुझ से
किस का दिल हूँ के दो आलम से लगाया है मुझे

The goblet of every particle is filled with my desires because of me
Whose heart am I that the Universe has followed me.

The desire of every particle is the same as mine;
as if their glass is filled with the wine of my wishes.
I am the one who has given all desires to the Universe;
they just follow me.

-- Translation and explication by Sarfaraz K. Niazi